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Market Data Forecast is a firm working in the areas of market research, business intelligence and consulting. We have rich experience in research and consulting for various business domains to cater to the needs of both individual and corporate clients. A few key business areas that we handle with excellence include business process improvement, corporate financing and decision making based on market research, assisting in developing appropriate strategy and providing consultancy based on extensive research. ...more

Cardiovascular Therapeutic Drugs getting higher investments owing to increasing demand

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The recent decades have experienced huge developmental successes in the innovation of efficient drug therapies for the treatment of common cardiovascular disease. The rising prevalence of these cardiovascular diseases have further expanded the market for cardiovascular...more

Middle East And Africa Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market By Market Data Forecast (2017–2022)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Middle East and Africa Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market was worth USD xx billion in 2017 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2022. Chocolate powdered drinks are mixed with either hot water or milk to prepare instant chocolate based...more

Seed Treatment increasing yields and supplementing the supply of agricultural produce

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The application of biological organisms or chemical ingredients to the seeds which aids in the controlling, suppressing or repelling of pests, pathogens, or insects which attack plants, seeds, or seedlings, is known as the process of seed treatment. These processes...more

North America Spirulina Extract Industry Sales, Revenue, Gross Margin, Market Share, by Regions (2016-2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Spirulina is a drum-dried cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) consumed by humans which is made primarily from two species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. Spirulina has very high protein content, considerably low in calories and cholesterol,...more

North America Baby Food Market Overview, Trends, Research Methodology, Latest Review, Current Trends and Forecast

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Traditionally, babies have been fed with soft home cooked food, a practice that is still in style in underdeveloped and developing countries. However, growing urbanization and ever-changing lifestyles have enhanced the demand for prepackaged baby foods in several...more

HIV Therapeutics aiding the fight against AIDS

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The history of the incidence and treatment of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been altered by the development of the drugs which target the two key viral enzymes, which are protease and reverse transcriptase. Continual advancements made in the field of...more

Latin America Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market Analysis Reports (2017–2022)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Latin America Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market was worth USD xx billion in 2017 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2022. Chocolate powdered drinks are mixed with either hot water or milk to prepare instant chocolate based drinks....more

Europe Organic Beverage Market by Top Manufacturers with Production Intelligence and Analysis for Period 2016 – 2021

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Organic Beverages are one type of beverages which has no artificial pesticides, growth hormones, genetic engineering and synthetic flavors, colorations, and preservatives. The organic Beverages market is an upcoming sector as human beings at the moment are starting...more

North America Sports Nutrition Market: Scenario, Size, Outlook, Trend and Forecast 2016-2021

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The North America Sports Nutrition Market size was around USD 12.01 billion in 2016. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% to reach USD 17.48 billion by 2021. It captures 38% of the global market.Sports nutrition products, for example, sports drinks, supplements,...more

Asia Pacific Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market Regional Reports (2017–2022)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Asia Pacific Chocolate Powdered Drinks Market was worth USD xx billion in 2017 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2022. Chocolate powdered drinks are mixed with either hot water or milk to prepare instant chocolate based drinks....more

North America Metal Chelates Market is developing at an exceptionally quick pace to reach USD 111.8 million by 2022.

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) According to the report North America Metal Chelates Market, published by Market Data Forecast, the Global market is projected to reach USD 111.8 million by 2022, at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2017 to 2022 Metal chelates consist of an organic molecule which is bonded...more

Hydroponics is the farming technique of the future

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Hydroponics is a technique which is a part of the broader field of hydroculture which is the culturing of plants without the presence soil but instead involves the utilization of the nutrient dissolved in a water solvent. The roots of the plants are submerged in the...more

North America Plant Growth Regulators Market Industry Overview, Trends, Research Methodology, Latest Review, Current Trends and Forecast

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The North America Plant Growth Regulators Market was worth USD 1,297.4 million in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of 4.09%, to reach USD 1,644.6 million by 2022. Plant growth regulators are the chemical substances that affect the growth of the plants in...more

9 million dead due to Cancer in 2016, numbers expected to rise by 70%.

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) Monoclonal antibodies are currently settled as a key therapeutic methodology for a scope of ailments. Attributable to the capacity of these specialists to specifically target tumor cells, cancer has been a noteworthy focal point of advancement programs for monoclonal...more

Middle East And Africa Hysteroscopy Instruments Market Trends, And Forecasts (2017 To 2022)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2018 ) The Middle East and Africa Hysteroscopy Instruments market is anticipated to grow at 6.40% CAGR from 2017 to 2022 and it is estimated that the Middle East and Africa market was valued at USD 0.12 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach USD 0.16 billion by 2022. Browse...more