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Market Data Forecast is a firm working in the areas of market research, business intelligence and consulting. We have rich experience in research and consulting for various business domains to cater to the needs of both individual and corporate clients. A few key business areas that we handle with excellence include business process improvement, corporate financing and decision making based on market research, assisting in developing appropriate strategy and providing consultancy based on extensive research. ...more

Europe Ammonium And Potassium Thiosulfate Market By Type,growth,trends

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Europe Ammonium and Potassium Thiosulfate Market was worth USD xx billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2022. Ammonium thiosulfate is a great source of nitrogen and sulfur. It contains 26% of sulfur and 12% of nitrogen,...more

Single-Cell Analysis is now used to determine the presence of cancerous cells.

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Overview Single cell analysis is an unexpectedly rising study discipline that fascinates researchers from various disciplines: biologists, due to the fact it could display insights into essential components like evolution, cell variation, and cellular differentiation;...more

Middle-East And Africa Azimsulfuron Market Trends, And Forecasts (2016–2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Middle-East and Africa Azimsulfuron Market was worth USD xx billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2021. Azimsulfuron is a chemical compound belongs to the family of sulfonylureas. It is a post emergence herbicide...more

Europe Blood Group Typing Market By Product (Consumable, Instrument, Service), Test Type,forecast

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Europe Blood Group Typing market is anticipated to grow at 10.21 % CAGR from 2017 to 2022 and it is estimated that the Europe market was valued at USD 0.52 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach USD 0.84 billion by 2022. Classification of blood on the basis...more

Middle-East And Africa Companion Diagnostics Market Size Worth $222.1Million by 2022 | CAGR: 21.11%

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Middle-East and Africa Companion Diagnostics Market was worth USD 73.2 million in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of 21.11%, to reach USD 222.1 million by 2022. Companion diagnostic has the potential to totally modify the drug development process and...more

Latin America Veterinary Healthcare Market 2016-2021: Market is Anticipated to Expand at a Significant CAGR of 8.1%

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Latin America Veterinary Healthcare Market is currently estimated at $2.97 billion market in 2016 and is expected to reach $4.38 billion by 2021 with a CAGR of 8.1% in the forecast period. Veterinary medicine can be defined as the science associated with the diagnosis,...more

Latin America Azimsulfuron Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, And Forecasts (2016–2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Latin America Azimsulfuron Market was worth USD xx billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2021. Azimsulfuron is a chemical compound belongs to the family of sulfonylureas. It is a post emergence herbicide which...more

Europe Rubella Vaccine Market By End User,Share, Growth, Trends

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Europe Rubella Vaccine (Human Diploid Cell) market is anticipated to grow at XX % CAGR from 2017 to 2022 and it is estimated that the Europe market was valued at USD XX billion in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX billion by 2022. Rubella is an acute, viral,...more

Increasing healthcare expenditure is attributing the growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Overview Testosterone is liable for the improvement of male sexual characteristics and this hormone is formed by way of the testicles. It’s also crucial to maintain numerous capabilities which encompass characteristics such as sexual function, bone growth, adequate...more

Latin America Over The Counter (OTC) Drugs Market to 2021 - Increasing Disease Prevalence to be a Key Driver of Market Growth

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) OTC drugs market in Latin America region has been estimated at USD 8,942.1 Million in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 14,701.7 Million by 2022, at a CAGR of 8.64% during the forecast period from 2016 to 2022. Brazil, Mexico and Argentina are the leading contributors...more

Asia-Pacific Azimsulfuron Market Trends, And Forecasts (2016–2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Asia-Pacific Azimsulfuron Market was worth USD xx billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2021. Azimsulfuron is a chemical compound belongs to the family of sulfonylureas. It is a post emergence herbicide which...more

Europe Agricultural Biotechnology Market by Type and Forecast Industry Report 2016-2021

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Europe Agricultural Biotechnology Market was worth USD 8.46 billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of 10.71%, to reach USD 14.08 billion by 2021. Transgenic crops increase the agricultural productivity and benefit producers, consumers and farmers in...more

North America Genetic Testing Market Insights, Opportunity Analysis, Market Shares and Forecast, 2017 – 2022

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) Currently among the different segment of the molecular diagnostics market, genetic testing is most likely to be a highly attractive segment owing to the increasing need for superior healthcare. Genetic testing is a highly sophisticated form of testing where even a...more

Europe Azimsulfuron Market Trends, And Forecasts (2016–2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Europe Azimsulfuron Market was worth USD xx billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2021. Azimsulfuron is a chemical compound belongs to the family of sulfonylureas. It is a post emergence herbicide which is an...more

Latin America Milk Market Share, Growth, Trends And Forecasts (2016–2021)

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 27, 2018 ) The Latin America Milk Market was worth USD xx billion in 2016 and estimated to be growing at a CAGR of xx%, to reach USD xx billion by 2021. Milk is a white liquid which is produced by mammals in the mammary gland. It is the key source of nutrition in young mammals...more