DataM Intelligence


Company Name: DataM Intelligence


Founded: 2017

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Press Releases

Matting Agents Market trends, analysis and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: In May 2019, Under agreement with Guangzhou Human Chemicals Company, specializing in R&D, production, and sales of functional chemicals and optical film products, DV Pacific Trading Company will establish and develop new distribution and sales...more

Virtual Power Plant Market Size, report and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Virtual power plant reduces the load on the grid by smartly distributing the power generated by the power generating units during periods of peak load. Germany is a leading country in the implementation of VPPs, such as the one operated by Next...more

Pyrethroid Market Size, trends, and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Pyrethroid is an insecticide derived by synthetic modification of natural pyrethrins that are extracted from flowers of Chrysanthemum. These are used for control of variety of insects in industries, residences, and in agricultural activities. These...more

Apiculture Market - Size, research and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Apiculture is a process of maintaining bee colonies to obtain honey and honey-based end products such as beeswax, propolis, royal jelly, and honey dew. Increase in demand for honey and insufficient availability of natural honey led to increase...more

Smoothies Market Size, trends, opportunities and Analysis 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: The rising health consciousness among consumers and increasing demand for convenience and value are driving the demand for smoothies and smoothie bowls and therefore, is expected to fuel the growth in Smoothies market. Smoothies are thick-shake...more

Automotive Metal Forming Market Size, analysis and trends 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Increase in demand for commercial vehicles, government stringent emission norms, and growing vehicle production and trends towards light-weighting will further fuel growth in the market. The rise in vehicle production across the globe and an...more

Liquid Fertilizers Market Size, Share ,analysis and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Fertilizers can be applied either to the plant tissue or can be incorporated in the soil and are commercially available in dry/granular form and liquid form. Liquid fertilizers evolved as the high growth category of fertilizers owing their ease...more

Kombucha Market Share, Size, growth, analysis and Forecast to 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Kombucha is a fermented, slightly alcoholic, lightly effervescent, sweetened black or green tea drink. It is a functional drink with bacteria, and yeast which convert the sugar into ethanol and acetic acid. The acetic acid is what gives kombucha...more

Motion Sensors Market Share, Size, Segmentaion & Forecast 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Motion Sensors, also known as a motion detector, is an electronic device that intercepts physical or kinetic movements in real time. Some of the commonly used motion sensing technologies include passive infrared, ultrasound wave, microwave and...more

Software Market Size, Share, analysis, trends and Forecast 2026

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 11, 2019 ) Market Overview: Software is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work. It includes computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data, such as software documentation or digital media. The market has matured in...more